Thursday, 6 October 2016

Custom Options in Magento Product

Custom Options are way to offer selection of product varriation it's not rely on attributes.
it have limitations that you are unable to track
inventry based on any varriation, and custom options is not used in grouped,configurable or bundle product.
 Custom Product Option is different form attributes we can use it in simple product for adding like sizes, colors etc..

Steps to adding custom options

On the Admin menu, select Catalog > Manage Products.
In the list, open the product record in edit mode.
In the panel on the left, select Custom Options.
In the upper-right corner, click the Add New Option button. Then, do the following:
a.  In the Title field, enter a name for the property.
b. Set the Input Type you want to use for data entry.
c. Set Is Required to “Yes” if the option must be selected before the product can 
   be purchased.
d. In the Sort Order field, enter a number to indicate the order of this item in the list of options. Enter the number 1 to display this option first.

5.Click the Add New Row button

a.In the Title field, enter a name for this option.
b.In the Price field, enter any markup or markdown from the base product price that applies to this option.
c.Set Price Type to one of the following:
  • Fixed
    The price of the variation differs from the price of the base product by a fixed monetary amount, such as $1.
    The price of the variation differs from the price of the base product by a percentage, such as 10%.
d.Enter a SKU for the option. The option SKU is a suffix to the product SKU.
e.In the Sort Order field, enter a number to indicate the order of this item in the list of options. Enter the number 1 to display this option first.
6.When complete, click the Save button.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Add static block in magento

Add extra blocks in magento: 

Step 1: Create static block login your dashboard
Go to cms/Static Blocks
Step 2: Click on add new Block

Step 3: calling on frontend

Static blocks are very important part in magento for calling different blocks to change your look and feel of magento site

use this code in your template file(.phtml files)
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('identifire')->toHtml();
1.suppose we want to add a banner in our magento store  for 
special offers on sidebar so we can use static block. 
2. If we want to add social media in my magento store in footer 
then we can use static block.
3.if we want to add links in my site then we can use static blocks 


Friday, 14 November 2014

Adding Categories in magento

   Adding Categories:  

Step 1: first login to Magento Dashboard  (yourdomain .com/admin)
          Catalog->Manage Categories

Step 2:  Select Default root category (Because root category define your store.)

Step 3:  After Selecting root category(Default By magento when adding fresh)
           Add Subcategory

After filling all information save.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Magento Directory Structure..

After completing installation we are able to understand directory structure..

The root directory structure

You are free to set your local Apache virtual host and host file to any domain you prefer, as long as you keep this in mind. If you're hearing about virtual host terminology for the first time, please refer to the Apache Virtual Host documentation at
Here is a quick summary of each of those files and folders:
    .htaccess: This file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, most notably the Apache web server. It controls mod_rewrite for fancy URLs and sets configuration server variables (such as memory limit) and PHP maximum execution time.

   .htaccess.sample: This is basically a .htaccess template file used for creating new stores within subfolders.

    api.php: This is primarily used for the Magento REST API, but can be used for SOAP and XML-RPC API server functionality as well.

 app: This is where you will find Magento core code files for the backend and for the frontend. This folder is basically the heart of the Magento platform. Later on, we will dive into this folder for more details, given that this is the folder that you as an extension developer will spend most of your time on.
 cron.php: This file, when triggered via URL or via console PHP, will trigger certain Magento cron jobs logic. This file is a Unix shell script version of cron.php.

 downloader: This folder is used by the Magento Connect Manager, which is the functionality you access from the Magento administration area by navigating to System | Magento Connect | Magento Connect Manager.
errors: This folder is a host for a slightly separate Magento functionality, the one that jumps in with error handling when your Magento store gets an exception during code execution.
   favicon.ico: This is your standard 16 x 16 px website icon.
                        get.php: This file hosts a feature that allows core media files to be stored and served from the database. With the Database File Storage system in place, Magento would redirect requests for media files to get.php.
     includes: This folder is used by the Mage_Compiler extension whose functionality can be accessed via Magento administration System | Tools | Compilation. The idea behind the Magento compiler feature is that you end up with a PHP system that pulls all of its classes from one folder, thus, giving it a massive performance boost.
index.php: This is a main entry point to your application, the main loader file for Magento, and the file that initializes everything. Every request for every Magento page goes through this file.
index.php.sample: This file is just a backup copy of the index.php file.
                        js: This folder holds the core Magento JavaScript libraries, such as Prototype, scriptaculous.js, ExtJS, and a few others, some of which are from Magento itself.
                        lib: This folder holds the core Magento PHP libraries, such as 3DSecure, Google Checkout, phpseclib, Zend, and a few others, some of which are from Magento itself.
LICENSE*: These are the Magento licence files in various formats (LICENSE_ AFL.txt, LICENSE.html, and LICENSE.txt).
  mage: This is a Magento Connect command-line tool. It allows you to add/ remove channels, install and uninstall packages (extensions), and various other package-related tasks.
   media: This folder contains all the media files, mostly just images from various products, categories, and CMS pages.
php.ini.sample: This file is a sample php.ini file for PHP CGI/FastCGI installations. Sample files are not actually used by the Magento application.
pkginfo: This folder contains text files that largely operate as debug files to inform us about changes when extensions are upgraded in any way.

 RELEASE_NOTES.txt: This file contains the release notes and changes for various Magento versions, starting from version and later.

  shell: This folder contains several PHP-based shell tools, such as compiler, indexer, and logger.
skin: This folder contains various CSS and JavaScript files specific for individual Magento themes. Files in this folder and its subfolder go hand in hand with files in app/design folder, as these two locations actually result in one fully featured Magento theme or package.
var: This folder contains sessions, logs, reports, configuration cache, lock files for application processes, and possible various other files distributed among individual subfolders. During development, you can freely select all the subfolders and delete them, as Magento will recreate all of them on the next page request. From a standpoint of a Magento extension developer, you might find yourself looking into the var/log and var/report folders every now and then.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

How to install Magento Manualy ?

                                Magento Installation

Before Magento installation  you have to some basic Knowledge of PHP and Mysql

Step 1 : Download Magento community version (

Step 2 : Unzip the zip folder and save it into your local server

Ex: D:\xampp\htdocs
Step 3: Before Installation Goto Phpmyadmin and Create New Database As seen below.
Step 4: Enter the URL in your browser and Type http://localhost/yourfolder(magento). one page display as seen below.
Step 5 : To click Check Box I Agree to the terms and conditions and Click Continue Button

Step 6 :Here To Change local,timezone currency(optional) and Click Continue Button
Step 7 : Here to Enter Database Type,Database Name,Host,username and Click Continue Button

Step 8 : Here Enter Your Personal Information and Login Information and Click Continue Button

Step 9: Here To Save Encryption Key and Click Goto Frontend page as seen below