Friday, 3 February 2017


Adding Customer Groups

In this guide  we show you how you can quickly add Customer Groups into your Magento account to make tracking and managing customer data a whole lot easier.
In Magento we can create Customer Groups where we can assign the orders from the different marketplaces so that we can keep eBay orders together and separated from Amazon or Play orders for example.  A note here is if you don’t envisage you ever selling on Amazon or Play, then you have no need to add these additional groups.

How to Add Customer Groups

So in our Magento system we need to go to the menu ‘Customers’ –> ‘Customer Groups’  From this page we can click the ‘Add New Customer Group’ Button in the top right hand corner.  On this page we just need to set the group name and the Tax Class.  So in our example we name the first group ‘eBay’ and leave the tax class set to ‘Retail Customer’  Then we click ‘Save Customer Group’ in the top right hand corner.  We then do the same for Amazon, Play and Rakutan.
Now we have set these up, in the later guides with M2E Pro they will come in to play for managing orders from the different marketplaces.
In the next guide we are going to look at Attribute and Attribute Sets.

How to Add Customer Groups to Magento

If you’re looking at installing M2E Pro on your Magento system, and selling on different marketplaces, adding customer groups is the best way to go about it.
Creating customer groups in your system shall make it easier for you to assign and manage orders from different marketplaces.
This guide will show you step-by-step how to add customer groups for eBay and other marketplaces where you intend to sell on.

Step 1. Go to Customer Groups

Select Customers Group from the Customers drop-down menu.
Click on the Add New Customer Group button at the top right-hand corner.

Step 2. Fill in the Fields in the New Customer Group Section

Type eBay in the Group Name field, set the Tax Class option to Retail Customer, and then click on the Save Customer Group button at the top right of your screen

Step 3. Add Additional Customer Groups

If you intend to sell on other marketplaces besides eBay, click on the Add New Customer Group button again.
Fill in the Group Name field with Amazon, set Tax Class to Retail Customer, then save this data by clicking on the Save Customer Group button in the upper right-hand corner.
Repeat this step to create additional customer groups.

Step 4. View the List of Your Customer Groups

After having added and saved your last customer group, you’ll be taken back to the Customer Groups section 
where you can see your list of customer groups.

This guide has just taught you how to add customer groups to your Magento system.
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